Monday, March 16, 2020

Doctors now face life-death decisions. In GOP-run WI State Senate, it's 'meh'

Medical personnel here and elsewhere -- brutal details from Italy, here - - have already or will soon choose based on resource availability who gets full pandemic treatment, who doesn't, and who is likelier to die.

The moral dilemma and agony for care givers has got to be shattering.

On the other hand, GOP Wisconsin State Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, guided by a now-irrelevant small government ideology while grasping after a safely-gerrymandered Congressional seat, has made an eerily-related choice:

He's standing in the way of life-giving assistance for a particularly and freshly even-more-vulnerable, powerless group - the homeless. 
To the dismay of advocates, the bulk of what would have been Wisconsin’s largest dollar increase ever to address homelessness is stuck in the Republican-controlled state Senate with only days remaining in the current session. 
If the bills don’t pass, they’ll have to be reintroduced in the 2021-22 session, leaving prospects for the bipartisan series of bills in doubt.
I noted about two month ago that the Senate has been knowingly looking the other way all winter. 
Despite brutal weather, WI GOP legislature won't release homeless aid
1/19 update: The GOP-controlled WI State Senate will take up did pass this coming one of eight bills Republicans have kept shelved as winter set in. Piecemeal and pathetic.] 
Wisc Sen. Scott Fitzgerald.jpg

A pandemic on its own aims right at people with least. 

The GOP-run State Senate had already been signaling its indifference to the state's homes citizens before the virus began to spread.

I don't know how these politicians live with themselves.

By the way, nothing on Fitzgerald's Twitter page days into pandemic awareness since his March 11 shoutout to Scott Walker and his assault on nurses, teachers and other critical public workers:

After 9 years, the results show Act 10 is working – according to
we’ve saved taxpayers over $12 billion.

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