Monday, January 5, 2009

Al Franken's US Senate Career Is About To Begin

Norm Coleman's term has expired, along with nearly all his reasonable options to hold his seat.

A Republican, Coleman was always an odd pick to replace the more liberal Paul Wellstone (D), a plane crash victim.

1 comment:

Think7generations said...

Warning: Imminent Giant Head Explosion

Given the history between Bill O'Reilly, the conservative talk show host, first decried political commentators who "call people names." Then he called Al Franken, the liberal humorist, an "idiot."

Given the that Fox was not able to stop Al Franken from publishing his book the Judge Saying; "This is an easy case," a federal judge ruled Friday against Fox News in its lawsuit asserting that a book by liberal satirist Al Franken violates its trademarked slogan, "fair and balanced." Fox was seeking an injunction to halt distribution of "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right."

Given that ABC news just declared that Al Franken won the Senate Seat in Minnesota

I highly advise that everyone stay well clear of Bill O'Reilly's gigantic head, the USGS has issued an Imminent Giant Head Explosion (IGHE) Warning