Monday, February 4, 2008

Tavern League, Special Interests Killing Smoking Ban

Wisconsinites want it, writes the Madison Capital Times' Judith Davidoff, but special interests are going to keep us what Gov. Doyle has correctly says will be our new identity:
Ashtray Of The Midwest.


Anonymous said...

Actually, Democrats are killing the smoking ban, not special interests. Senators Breske, Decker, and Kreitlow are to blame.

James Rowen said...

It's a sad convergence of forces.

Unknown said...

You brown shirted fuc*tards. Apparently, your knowledge of the Constitution is non-existent or you just don't care. Either way, you are, as most "progressives, liberals, democrats", whatever you want to call yourselves, on the wrong side of history.

Do individual freedoms and property rights mean nothing to you? A rhetorical question to be sure, but I am always amazed at the people who latch on to a quote or two from Jefferson (apparently he's the only founding father you care to acknowledge) yet you obviously have never read his words. At the very least you miss the forest for the trees once again. Our founding fathers would condemn you supporters of a statewide smoking ban more loudly than I. If you think that two private parties entering into a contract (the owner of the establishment and the patron entering the establishment under the guidelines set by the owner and all other legal guidelines ie:being an adult of legal age to drink where applicable etc.) are in any way bound under the Constitution of our country, then I defy you to prove it. Show your work. Which article allows what you propose? For every half cocked, hair brained nonsense argument any of you try to rationalize your arguments with, I will shout you down with the supreme law of the land. Our Constitution. You will not find a leg to stand on for your feeble arguments. Just because the left and right coasts have gone along with this infringement on individual freedoms, do not expect the salt of the earth, the people of the midwest, especially Wisconsin, to go along.

I myself do not even smoke. But I support the right of anyone to do so. Until the day you make tobacco illegal, get out of my business. Either make tobacco illegal or come take my business and make it part of the state. Otherwise, keep your no good do good hands the hell out of MY property.

Fuc* you very much.