Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Some guesses about why Foxconn can't lure workers to FitzWalkerStan

What? Foxconn can't find enough workers?
Alan Yeung, Foxconn's director of United States Strategic Initiatives, said the company has traveled across the country, "from North Carolina, to Illinois, to Michigan, to Ohio and Kentucky" to attract talent to Wisconsin, but it has fallen short.
You mean a one-page doodle conjuring 13,000 jobs might have been a little shaky? Oh, snap!

And, why, pray tell, might the talent search be FUBAR, since that worker shortage was news 13 months ago.
* Maybe no one wants to join a company that changes its mind every five minutes about what kind of factory its building, when production will begin and what the eventual products might be? (30 months of Foxconn posts, here.)
From NBC Nightly News, 7/21/19
* Or that Scott Walker's recruiting billboards and train ads in Illinois were ineffective? 
[Updated from 11/29/17] Scott Walker and the dim bulbs surrounding him are so cluelessly disconnected from his own history, and so ignorant of what young people living outside of Wisconsin like and want and expect from government - - some survey data, here - -  that he is pitching them to move from Illinois to Wisconsin through ads on trains like those he has consistently blocked in Wisconsin. 
* Here's a question: Is it a selling point that Wisconsin is vying with southern states to be the voting suppression capital of the country?

* And speaking of good looks, where does GOP Assembly Speaker Vos's bullying of a legislative colleague fit it? 

The other legislator, Democrat Jimmy Anderson, had suffered a complete spinal fracture in a car crash with another vehicle which killed his family, but Vos  publicly refused to allow Anderson to phone into some meetings

Robin Vos accuses paralyzed lawmaker of political grandstanding, offers alternative accommodation

And before you read that Vos ultimately relented, remember that he used the episode of his creation to adopt other rules which had nothing to do with Anderson and everything to do with giving the GOP's majority caucus more power on unrelated matters, explained here.

After all, Foxconn's whatever-it-is will be located in Speaker #Never's District.

* Or the GOP-run Legislature's preference for brown rural well water, contempt for clean urban drinking water - - and enabling the nation's worst record for removing environmental oversight. Talk about family values.

* And being represented in the US Senate by Ron-The-Non-Science-Guy - - a/k/a The Witness-Juror.

Who'd want to follow these leaders here?

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