Thursday, August 15, 2019

Breaking news: severe car crash victim finally comes forward

All along I'd thought it was Fitchburg State Rep. Jimmy Anderson, but now we are all corrected.
Robin Vos accuses paralyzed lawmaker of trying to sabotage him by seeking accommodations
Gaffemeister Vos, after already accusing the wheelchair bound Anderson of "grandstanding" - - oops - - sticks the Assembly Speaker's other big foot in his motor mouth by saying this of actual accident-victim Anderson's allegedly political motives to undermine the Speaker elsewhere: 
(This) does not seem like an accident to me," Vos told a conservative radio show host Thursday. 
For God's sake, man, just stop. 
Robin Vos speaks at Racine Tea Party event (8378614585).jpg


  1. "Boss Vos" and Trump share much in common. Both lack even a modicum of basic human decency. "Boss" Vos's whining about how HE is being impacted by Representative Anderson's simple request to be able to call in for committee meetings sinks the perception of Republicans in Walker's Wisconsin to a new low.

    Even more disgusting to me is that EVERY Assembly Republican legislator is STANDING WITH VOS to deny this basic gesture of human decency to Representative Anderson. It is truly sickening that every right wing blog writer in Walker's Wisconsin is 100% in support of the treatment of Representative Anderson by Vos and the 63 other corrupt and morally devoid of compassion Republicans in the Wisconsin State Assembly.

    It turns my stomach when I read the messages of support for Vos by Wisconsin Republicans, calling Anderson a "cripple" and questioning whether Anderson should even be allowed to use his wheelchair in the Assembly chambers. Takes a pretty sick mind to advocate retribution against Anderson by urging "Boss Vos" to ban wheelchairs if Representative Anderson doesn't start "behaving". Lots of just plain SICK people who support the disgusting treatment of Representative Jimmy Anderson. Sad that THIS is what Walker's Wisconsin has become....

  2. Vos must be raising a lot of money off of this to go so over the top. Or he has lost his marbles.

    1. And he must funnel a whole lot of dark money to Assembly GOPs to keep every one of then from showing a smidgen of decency by signing that request and publically defying Napoleon.


  3. He'll cave. His lawyers will tell he'll love in court and fuel more embarrassment.

  4. Fighting "Bob" BergmanAugust 15, 2019 at 8:13 PM

    Pinhead Vos is a despicable lot who lost his marbles a long time ago. If this is how he would treat someone in Jimmy's situation it's clear it time for real pushback. Maybe Pinhead Vos remembers what it was like to wade through protesters, maybe a bunch folks in wheelchairs at his office would get media coverage.

  5. Maybe this was distract from the FoxConn meeting no one wants to talk about.

  6. Talk about disabilities. Assembly Republicans are struck with political paralysis. Speaker Robin Vos' brain is disconnected from his mouth. The disconnect extends to all 63 Republican members of the Assembly. Not one could lift a finger to accommodate Rep. Jimmy Anderson, D-Fitchburg, the only lawmaker who uses a wheelchair. The state board I serve on met earlier this week, with one member who joined us by phone. The meeting went fine, and it was a lot less tedious than most legislative committee meetings. Why don't the Republicans extend a simple courtesy to Anderson? Are they paralyzed by hubris?
