Monday, October 22, 2018

The Tariff King, endorsed by Walker, lobs 'panic' into the WI economy

[Updated 6:25 p.m: Walker has put three up recent tweets, including this just 15 minutes ago, touting claims about manufacturing jobs. Gotta paper over the horrible headline below about the impact of his buddy's tariffs that are slamming Wisconsin manufacturing.
 16 minutes ago16 minutes agoMoreTony Evers wants to roll back the Manufacturing and Agriculture Tax Credit, hurting family farms and our small businesses -- that would take us backward. 
Trump got Walker's endorsement at the 2016 GOP convention and two years of judgement-free sucking up.

And when Trump undercut Wisconsin farmers, manufacturers, exporters and vendors, Walker meekly, weakly tweeted

And bobbed away from the damage 

his master's 'trade policy' was bringing to all sorts of Wisconsin businesses.

And now that frightening headlines are forming - - 

As tariffs continue, panic beginning to sink in among Wisconsin manufacturers
- - will Walker do or say anything?

Let's see what our custard-eating, sports-garb feinter-in-chief has to say about tariffs today.


Five hours ago he was still trying to convince people that the lawsuit against Obamacare and pre-existing condition coverage doesn't mean exactly what it's aimed at - - abolishing Obamacare and pre-existing coverages. And yes, he's wearing a Packer's letter-style jacket to puff up his ego.More