Monday, October 22, 2018

Walker began digging his catastrophic fiscal Scotthole in 2003

Walker is again pretending to be someone other than who he's been for years by stepping back from his FUBAR politically-inconvenient Milwaukee-area road-building binge: 
Scott Walker says Wisconsin needs a break from 'massive new interchanges in Milwaukee'
I will remind anyone and everyone with my last breath that Walker set this entire fiasco into motion, when, as the road-builder-friendly and politically-ambitious, road-builder Milwaukee County Executive, he championed the unfunded expansion of those very interchanges and many more across WE Wisconsin by teaming up against Milwaukee with anti-city, suburban and business leaders to do this: 
Walker motion in 2003 tripped off SE highway overspending
It's important to remember that Walker - - as Milwaukee County Executive - - played a key role in 2003 on a SE regional planning commission advisory committee which voted, without a companion financing plan, to recommend to state highway planners that Wisconsin add to the SE 'freeway' system the maximum number of new lanes among the alternatives considered - - 127 miles of lanes instead of 108 - - in what ultimately became a $6.4 billion package.
Walker's motion added an estimated $750 million to the ultimate price tag and also increased the number of structures and land removed from the tax base. 
Irony alert: Walker said at the time that the plan "may not be far-sighted enough." Translation: More, bigger, and more-expensive ahead.

An earlier version of his revised fairy-tale retreat from responsibility had Walker blaming road-builders and boosters - - also known as Walker donors and allies - - for the lack of road-building money and public support on the eve of an election.

This posture as the Money-saving smaller-roads-Governor is as disingenuous as is Walker the Education Governor, or The Caring Health Insurance Governor, etc.

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