Monday, July 16, 2018

Trump forces some Republicans to speak up for America. Some. Mildly.

[Tuesday update: Walker still hiding behind spokespersons.] Trump's groveling fealty at his master Putin's feet today, 
Vladimir Putin (2017-07-08) (cropped).jpg
and unpatriotic shrug at Russia's illegal interference in American democracy, has at least forced Trump apologists like Wisconsin's Paul Ryan and Ron Johnson to issue a few words of rebuke.

So give Trump and credit for helping firm up Mueller's credibility in the eyes of some leaders of the suicidally-weak, credibility-free Republican Party.

I haven't yet seen anything on these uniquely historic matters from Scott Walker, and don't expect to, since, you know, these federal issues fundamental to American democracy have nothing to do with him and his busy hand/shaking,  dessert-gorging schedule.

And, besides, he's surely busy today helping Foxconn find another potential job-bearing site to prove that Foxconn is a statewide benefit beyond the 11 football-field size, wetland-filling, pollution-belching, language-bending 'ecosystem' it says it is creating on Mount Pleasant farmland.

Because, you know, bad poll numbers have got to spun, especially if they describe what could be Walker's ruinous Scotthole.

And, yep: Walker's latest tweet is something Foxconn could have easily done its own, without the Governor. Because, you know, bad poll numbers have got to be spun.
 22 minutes ago22 minutes agoMore
Foxconn’s investment in Eau Claire is more proof that our reforms are having a positive impact on our state. We need to move Wisconsin forward and keep this momentum up!

1 comment:

  1. Scott Walker is staying silent because Scott Walker is complicit.
