Monday, July 2, 2018

Oh, Canada. 236 good WI jobs headed there. From Waukesha.

Maybe Walker should bring back his Canadian wall brainstorm.

Because GE confirmed the details today of its Waukesha factory shutdown - - 

GE engine plant in Waukesha to shut down in 2019, putting 236 employees out of work
- - and while Walker keeps saying says we're moving in the right direction, GE is taking the jobs to Canada where, ironically, the Tariff King has declared war.

Workers at the plant last year pointed the finger at Trump, and Paul Ryan when the word was out where GE was headed. 
Workers at the plant are angry, and they’re accusing President Donald Trump and House Speaker Paul Ryan of failing them, but GE officials say another factor is to blame.
A partial list of long-time Wisconsin employers closing up on Walker's watch area in blog posts here and here.

And yes, I know, Deus Ex Machina Foxconn, but I don't think it will be paying the same wages on its factory floor that the GE workers represented by the International Association of Machinists union were making.


  1. Also, Eaton Corporation has announced yet another round of layoffs, with 52 people in Waukesha losing their jobs in the coming months.

    Eaton has outsourced much of its Wisconsin work force to other countries after Walker abd WEDC gave them $1.36 million in tax credits ahead of Walker's 2014 re-election campaign.

  2. James's and Jake's comments above would make effective billboard messages. Scott Walker Watch: _____________ outsources jobs to _________________. Fill in the blanks with yet another Wisconsin company that takes Scott Walker's corporate welfare, then outsources jobs to another state, or worse yet, country.

    What do you think, Democratic Party of Wisconsin?

  3. I find it quite amazing that you all in Wisconsin have the nerve to complain about the outstanding job scooter has done. You guys deserve every ounce of economic hardship he's brought to your once great state. Let's see, you've led the nation in loss of middle class income the last two years, a once robust Wisconsin economy now has less than 45% of its citizens living in the middle class as your number of lower class citizens has skyrocketed. I'd say you've made great decisions like the one you made electing Trump. Maybe when the tariffs destroy your right wing farmers and Harley Davidson workers, and your incredible tax giveaway to Foxxcon continue to harm your state, you idiots will be smart enough to not re-elect the corrupt Walker again this fall. I am betting against it. Your state has lost its mind, and you a reaping the rewards of your Fox news driven right wing atmosphere. Best wishes Wisconsin, the next Mississippi. Go Walker!!!! At least he's destroyed the real estate market in the north woods, lots of cheap lake homes for sale now!!! To summarize, you elected him, and will re-elect him. So stop complaining and enjoy the loss of income, jobs, educational opportunities, real estate losses, diminished public services, and higher taxes to pay for all of scooter's corrupt policies. Go Wisconsin!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I find it quite amazing that you all in Wisconsin have the nerve to complain about the outstanding job scooter has done. You guys deserve every ounce of economic hardship he's brought to your once great state. Let's see, you've led the nation in loss of middle class income the last two years, a once robust Wisconsin economy now has less than 45% of its citizens living in the middle class as your number of lower class citizens has skyrocketed. I'd say you've made great decisions like the one you made electing Trump. Maybe when the tariffs destroy your right wing farmers and Harley Davidson workers, and your incredible tax giveaway to Foxxcon continue to harm your state you idiots will be smart enough to re-elect the corrupt Walker again this fall. I am betting on it. Your state has lost its mind, and you a reaping the rewards of your Fox news driven right wing atmosphere. Best wishes Wisconsin, the next Mississippi.

    1. Why do we deserve it? I've actively voted against this bum all 3 times and like James, mamy of us have worked to get the truth out for 10 years to tell others about this crook.

      If the doofuses that voted for this guy were the only ones hurt, and we could be immune from the damage, I'd shrug. But the most disturbing part of the Age of Fitzwalkerstan is fundding out how many Wisconsinites dont respect themselves enough to see through this Grifter Guv and the wreckage he is leaving behind. And because it is moral damage, no one is immune.
