Sunday, February 4, 2018

For Walker, 41st of 50 on any scale is a win

With Wisconsin roads rated second-worst, state business start-up activity again dead-last, Walker might be pleased being rated merely the country's ninth-worst governor:

Bottom 10 governors

The 10 governors with the highest disapproval ratings at the end of 2017, according to Morning Consult:

Rank GovernorDisapprove Approve 
1Chris Christie, R-NJ 76%19%
2. Dan Malloy, D-CT 68%23%
3. Sam Brownback, R-KS 64%24%
4. Mary Fallin, R-OK 61%28%
5Susana Martinez, R-NM 57%33%
6. Bill Walker, I-AK 55%29%
7. Bruce Rauner, R-IL 55%31%
8. Paul LePage, R-ME53%42%
9. Scott Walker, R-WI 50%43%
10. Rick Snyder, R-MI 47%37%

1 comment:

  1. Dear 43%,
    Don't complain that you can't breathe the air or drink the water. Don't whine about your property values being stagnant because schools are bad. Don't even think about complaining about the potholes and endless construction. You support Walker, you support all these things.
