Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Manure rules flow into Walker, Legislature's court

The DNR's oversight board has finally approved modest changes to manure-spreading rules which could stem well-water contamination in long-suffering Kewaunee County, and elsewhere.

Problem is, the rule changes must be approved by Gov. Walker and the GOP-led legislature - - the same incumbents backed by the same special interests which benefit from current Wisconsin 'chamber of commerce,' hands-off governance that pollutes state land, water, air and politics.

And on the specific issue of groundwater health and safety, Walker through his corporate-compliant DNR managers has a) weakened pollution inspections and enforcement actions, and, b) even interfered on behalf of Big Ag to sabotage an earlier effort to do what the DNR oversight board did today. 
You may remember that a coalition of the state's largest ag interests sent the Legislature a hand-delivered demand for water privatization rights that the DNR and Attorney General basically swallowed whole.
And you may also remember when the DNR tried to toughen water pollution rules for the dairy industry in 2016, Walker alerted the special interest and the proposal was weakened on the industry's terms:
After Scott Walker's office alerts farm lobby, clean water regulations scaled back
Walker's interference on behalf of the special interest is part of a long and wide pattern that rewards donors, enables polluters and keeps citizens and advocacy groups at further disadvantage.
And Walker, with the Legislatures complicity, has also promoted policies which have led to a huge increase in polluted waterways across the state.

So stay tuned, stay vigilant, and keep the pressure on.

1 comment:

  1. Even if he approves them, there will likely be a legal challenge by the Dairy Business Association and WMC. And any legal challenge will be handled by the Environmental Unit of the DOJ headed by long-time CAFO lobbyist Attn Wildeman. Theses rules are dead in the water. There will be a settlement that likely is worse than the original rules they were trying to fix.
