Wednesday, July 20, 2016

TV anchors should give full Scott Walker profile tonight

Wisconsin Governor and inveterate presidential office-seeker Scott Walker gets a B-level speaking slot at tonight's Republican National Convention - - I've previewed his likely remarks, here - - and it sure would be nice if the television anchors whose job it is to introduce to their audiences the various and lesser-known speakers would mention just this one fact which Walker and his echo-chamber usually omit, twist or sugarcoat:

The legal investigation into Walker and his staff's use of public time and resources for partisan purposes to campaign, raise money and otherwise communicate by email in secret (insert irony observation in re: Hillary Clinton) and which led to six criminal convictions of Walker staffers, associates or campaign donors - - known as John Doe I - - led to a second and broader investigation into allegations of illegal fund-raising and campaign coordination - - known as John Doe II - - which is still before the US Supreme Court:

Let's make clear that Walker was never charged in either John Doe probe.

Let's also make clear that no other 2015-'16 Republican presidential candidate was or is in this position:
The U.S. Supreme Court for now is allowing arguments partly in secret in a case over whether the high court should hear a dispute over the shutdown of an investigation into Gov. Scott Walker's campaign and conservative groups backing him.
In an order Monday, the court said the justices would accept filings made under seal and release copies to the public with parts redacted, a practice that would be similar to what happened in other state and federal courts.
The TV anchors and panelists who may discuss Walker and his speech will no doubt touch on events leading up to his 2012 recall election win  - - and will certainly reprise some of the stumbles and punts which led to his super fast exit from his failed and debt-ridden presidential campaign - - but his relationship to a case pending before the US Supreme Court would certainly have made things sticky Constitutionally had he won the GOP presidential nomination that is now Donald Trump's.

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