Wednesday, November 16, 2011

More Dishonesty, Delusion From Gov. Clueless, Or Is It Gov. Spinmeister?

This is an actual Journal Sentinel headline on a breaking story:

Walker says he's not responsible for recall effort against him

These headlines from my blog that Walker and his people appear to have read tell the real story - - but thanks to Team Walker for finding it important to refute them:
Walker's Failed Governorship Entirely His Own Doing

Walker's Chickens Coming Home To Roost 
And doesn't his ludicrous denial of responsibility prove a point I made in my summary posting about the justification for recalling him?
With recall petitions eligible for signing later this week - - and certainly in full swing statewide by the 15th - - (information, here and here) - - let's begin to refine the case for cutting Gov. Walker's term to time served...
I've limited my argument to key actions by Walker that he also abetted and made worse with the heavy-handed use of state power, or through false statements or spin concocted to confuse the public and evade responsibility for his words and deeds, and their consequences.


1 comment:

  1. Whoever did that interview with King Scottie must have been rolling on the floor laughing. If Walker didn't cause the recall, who on earth did? On a more serious note, The King continues to insist that the ONLY choices available to him in dealing with the budget were the things he did and massive property tax increases and layoffs. This is a blatant deception and he has to be forcefully called on it. Anyone can balance a budget if he or she doesn't care who gets hurt. Walker turned the whole process into a cold math exercise with no regard for people -- except for his obvious malice toward public employees.
