Friday, August 27, 2021

Do not take it from a mule. Do not take it from a fool.

Wisconsin's highest-ranking hawker of a hooved animal dewormer as a preferred pandemic treatment for people also suggests taking anti-Covid-19 treatments according to that established pharmaceutical measurement - "a bunch." 

Johnson pushes Ivermectin and vaccine conspiracies despite federal warning

“I don’t care what drug will work. Try a bunch of them.”
 Trumpista Forever Ron Johnson

Reminds me of that old-timey pharmacists' credo Johnson must have in the drugstore when growing up in Minnesota: 

'Milligrams, kilograms, graham crackers - pretty much the same to me.' 

And as viral flu season rolls around - I just got an email reminder that flu shots are available - I'm expectantly waiting for Dr. Johnson to come out with his list of alternative flue treatments. 

Google tells me these include burned potato peels, salt and aluminum strips - and the best news is that none involve an upper arm owie or stupid sciency advice from by CDC buttinskies.

Along with this snotty slap at Johnson from 'experts' over at the Federal Drug Administration determined to steal my freedom to award your school kids lots of extra sick days - a fact which this Journal Sentinel headline glosses over:

You are not a horse. You are not a cow': FDA issues blunt warning on taking ivermectin, drug promoted by Ron Johnson to treat COVID-19

Which echoes another doctor who only practiced with a literary license and, were he alive today, might have said something like this about Johnson's horse-of-different-color Covid-19 treatment plan:

Do not take it with a cow

Do not take it with a sow

Do not take it with a mule

Do not take it from a fool.


  1. Picture this: RoJo surrounded by a circle of ICU beds filled with patients on ventilators - half of them kids - and he's mouthing something to the effect that they shouldn't worry because he will protect them from Afghan refugees.

    Quite a contrast this past week between Tony Evers' low key humanitarian visit to Fort McCoy to welcome the refugees - accompanying a truck load of essential items including diapers - and RoJo and a clown carload of GOP legislators using Fort McCoy as a backdrop for a fearmongering press conference. Ditto for the 5 GOP congresscritters that followed on Friday, also mewling about imported terror while they've brushed January 6 off their shoulders like dandruff.

  2. How the hell did this Bozo become one of our only two US Senators?

  3. He snuck in with a bunch of other Tea Party losers about 9 or so years ago.

    1. And then got a lot of Russian online help in 2016. Which he kept from Sconnies before the election, and has been trying to cover up for ever since.

      Let’s also find out what RoJo’s portfolio is invested in these days, shall we?
