Sunday, October 4, 2020

In deeds and words, Republicans are again 'the stupid party'

Sticks and stones may break their bones, but Republican words - and images -  

WI GOP Assembly Speaker Robin Vos in protective equipment while claiming it was "incredibly safe" to go out into the pandemic and cast an in-person April election ballot.

- keep hurting them.

* From former GOP presidential candidate Bobby Jindal to his party in 2013:

Bobby Jindal: GOP needs to 'stop being the stupid party'

* From a key Trump fundraiser, for the record, in the 2020 election's closing days:

As virus spreads across GOP ranks, some Republicans say party will pay price for ‘stupid’ approach
“There was a panic before this started, but now we’re sort of the stupid party,” said Edward J. Rollins, co-chairman of the pro-Trump super PAC Great America. 

* And here's a variation in June from conservative columnist George Will, the formerly-reliable GOP stalwart-turned-high-profile anti-Trumper:

George Will: Young people now consider GOP 'the dumb party'

Which is why Will said in July that his first-ever presidential vote for a Democrat would go to Biden this November.

* And may I add Ron Johnson to the stupid, self-inflicted wounding list?

People awaiting COVID test result should not go out; RoJo, now COVID + partied Friday anyway



  1. Such an obvious opportunity to pin the Wisconsin Republicans down as the party that doesn't care about Wisconsinites health and what is Wisconsin's #1 Democrat doing about it?? NOTHING!!! One-term Timid Tony literally sits there in his bunker, wearing a coffee filter for a mask, and asks people to behave responsibly or "gosh darn it, golly gee, this thing is gonna wreck our Wednesday night pickleball matches".

    DO Something Tony!!! Take some sort of action to protect Wisconsinites from the idiot Republicans who are spreading this pandemic like wildfire in NE Wisconsin. Let Robbin Vos, Fat Fitzgerald, and WIRLL jump into action to stop your orders. Force the Republican legislators to come into session to overturn a mask mandate or a targeted Safer at Home order for NE Wisconsin.

    Be creative. Right now, the state tourism website exhorts visitors to visit 5 of the top ten state regions that are NATIONAL coronavirus hotspots. We are literally sending unsuspecting visitors to their demise by encouraging them to spend time in Marinette, Shawano, Brown, Kewaunee, and Door counties right now. Will our new tourism slogan be, "Come to Wisconsin, drive here, die here". Tony could stop this nonsense right now by requiring the Wisconsin tourism website to stop promoting coronavirus hotspots as good destinations for visitors. Let the Republicans howl.

    Evers and all this state's Democratic leadership make me embarrassed to be a Democrat. Stand up and fight you wussies!!

  2. This new Coronavirus (COVID 19) as a life-and-death public health issue should be owned by Democrats, who as a Party do sensibly take seriously the advice of public health professionals; and in Wisconsin, we lead in this area. See, for ex, .

    Still, the corporate media, with its facts-averse conventions reporting on Democratic and Republican parties and COVID 19 policy, often present Republican obstruction and its active work against public health initiatives as disagreement and "partisan infighting." This convention of journalism has consequences. The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel is so bad in this regard that after wide criticism of its 'both-sides' and 'parties-disagree' convention this morning, the digital editor (presumably, or Marley) changed a headline from "Partisan infighting [yada yada]" to "GOP lawmakers stand still as virus rages in Wisconsin."

    This is life-and-death and conventions need to die.

    Oh, and Tony Evers does suck and his equivocating, clueless bureaucrat act from east-central Wisconsin has to stop. He should step down, and get the hell out of the way.
