Thursday, May 28, 2020

WI right-wing pandemic panderers rack up suffering, national attention

The New York Times Thursday night shined a light on far-right wingers in Wisconsin who pandered to pandemic's enablers. The story leads the paper's online page; here is the third paragraph:
Wisconsin saw its highest single-day increase in confirmed cases and deaths this week, two weeks after the state’s highest court overturned a stay-at-home order.
Deeper into the story:
In Wisconsin, there were indications that the virus was still spreading before the order was lifted. But in the weeks since restrictions were overturned, the case numbers have continued to grow.  
“It worries us,” said Dr. Nasia Safdar, the medical director for infection prevention at the University of Wisconsin Hospital in Madison. “We wonder if this is a trend in an unfavorable direction.”
The Times' story didn't include this ugly news from Kenosha, and no doubt it won't be the only one of its kind: 
Seven food and beverage servers at several unnamed establishments in Kenosha County have tested positive for COVID-19, the county’s health officer said.
I mean, get used to it:
Casa Tequila in Waukesha shuts temporarily after a cook is diagnosed with COVID-19
Northern Wisconsin, are you and your hospitals which already operate at narrow or negative margins ready for tourists and second-home owners heading for the bars, supper clubs, and resorts? 

The trends in Wisconsin and forces which helped set them in motion are no mystery in our state, having been noted here and emphasized over the last 24 hours -
After successfully imploring the WI Supreme Court for a seat at the Covid-19 planning table -
- Wisconsin's GOP legislators walked away from the table and accountability to let the state reopen - come what may.
To which Covid-19 said, 'thank you,' so this will be your headline Thursday morning into the weekend: 
Wisconsin sees new single-day records in coronavirus deaths, cases and tests
Which should not come as a surprise, as I noted on May 20th:
Bad news Wednesday: Record number of Covid-19 cases in Wisconsin reported...
4:45 p.m. update - And I now see this alarming news at Urban Milwaukee:
State Sees Biggest Hike In New COVID-19 Hospital Admissions In 30 Days


  1. Becky Bradley is probably a member of the trumpy cult as Trump declares himself "the chosen one" and to "pray" for the lummox.

  2. Everyday, at about 2 pm, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services posts new COVID testing, illness, hospitalization and death numbers on their website here: . For today, May 29, 2020, there are 733 new confirmed cases (total 17707), and 18 new deaths reported (568 total).

  3. Meanwhile, trumpy is the danger from within with his darkest tactics and syncophantic cabinet of opportunististic dweebs and the 25th Amendment that they make worthless and virtually impossible to remove from office until he's voted out. Bring on the mail-ballots.
