Thursday, March 12, 2020

Ron Johnson's Trump praise is in 'Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job' territory

Ron "Sunspots" Johnson, prone to statements which are painfully partisan, harmful and ridiculous, said this reality-defying jaw-dropper on Sunday:
"I think this president has done a good job of managing this crisis."
'Good,' like 'Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job' good?'

Since Sunday, Trump's torpor, unfocused words and poor decisions - - amplified by earlier cuts to critical federal disease-fighting programs and staffs and made more toxic by overmatched sycophants he put in the wrong jobs - - have all conspired to mislead the public, jeopardize lives, freak out what's left of our allies and crash the economy.

The only question left for Johnson is  'do you take any responsibility for this cascading fiasco, having carried Trump's water for three years and helped keep him in office when you had the chance after the impeachment trial to remove him?

Spoiler alert. The answer to that question is the same to the headline question, as wall as Johnson's vote at Trump's trial.



  1. Just read that both Johnson and Walker have been exposed to Coronavirus. Some would take delight in this news.

  2. No one should. Every infected person becomes a carrier. Remember your humanity.
