Thursday, December 5, 2019

During Walker years, WI led nation cutting environmental protections

More documentation of the lasting damage Walker did to the land, water and public health in state of John Muir, Aldo Leopold and Gaylord Nelson.
Adjusting for inflation, the Department of Natural Resources spending on programs designed to protect public health and the environment from pollutants was cut 36% between 2008 and 2018, according to findings of the Environmental Integrity Project.
And to think he said this week he's thinking of running for office in Wisconsin again.

You know what they say: pollute me once, shame on you. Pollute me forever,  shame on me.

Here is a more complete archive from this blog which has documented and explained 

Walker's toxic legacy. 
Walker's eight-year war on Wisconsin's environment. In 21 parts, one post, full story.
Begin with what I wrote in December 30, 2010, in this blog's third year but only hours before Walker's first-term swearing-in:
For the environment in Wisconsin, this is the day the music died.
With anti-DNR zealot Cathy Stepp's preposterous (read: management by the Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce and the home builders organizations) nomination as Secretary of the Department of Natural Resources, Walker's legacy as the environmental destroyer of the land of Gaylord Nelson, John Muir and Aldo Leopold has begun.

1 comment:

  1. Most of the DNR budget goes to salary. The parks are self-supporting. Fish stocking and wildlife raise money from licenses and stamps. So this means there are many fewer staff (up to 36% fewer) at the agency. The DNR has been hollowed out and enforcement is pretty lax. There is simply no one to do a lot of the necessary work.
