Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Trump would remake Dairy State into CAFO state

Bucky to US Ag Secretary Sonny Perdue: No!
Trump ag secretary Sonny Perdue says dairy farms will survive, but may have to get bigger
Exhibit "A."
Manure spill...Kewaunee County...Again...


  1. This is a tragedy inflicted on for Wisconsin, its traditional economy, our rural communities and especially the farm families who worked hard believing that everyone was in it together.

  2. And let's not forget that Walker and State Ag Secretary Ben Brancel pushed the 30/20 plan onto state dairies, which led to over-production and failure for small dairies. https://dairystar.com/Content/News/Print-edition-click-here-/Article/Wisconsin-s-milk-goal-30-billion-pounds-by-2020/1/1/7231

  3. I milk cows on weekends for a family farm. I haven't been paid in a month because the milk prices are shit and they're struggling to stay afloat. I feel bad for them, but they vote Republican so part of me thinks, 'what the fuck did you think was gonna happen?!'

  4. Just more corporate welfare! Push aside the hard-working “blue collar” farmer and fatten up the rich and powerful top percent.
