Sunday, September 8, 2019

Attention, Foxconn shoppers - - the robots are coming

But not to build you that Made-in-Wisconsin YUGE-screen TV you hoped to get during the 2020 holiday season.

Nope: The Foxconn item for which Wisconsin taxpayers are providing billions will displace service workers and robotically make coffee in airports so Scott Walker can Tweet-pose with it.  'Ummm...airport workers involved. Win-win!'
Foxconn’s first announced product for its Wisconsin factory is an airport coffee robot
And billions of subsidies were pledged, people were displaced from their homes, fake blight was declared, some of the best farmland in SE Wisconsin was bulldozed, a deadly highway expansion was funded, air pollution rules were weakened, environmental rules were bypassed in an area already beset by flooding, and a Great Lakes diversion was approved - - to assemble robotic coffee vending kiosks? 

Will add this to my Foxconn archive.

A cup of coffee

1 comment:

  1. This has to violate the contract -- foxCON certainly was not given massive subsidies for this -- a very limited specialty marketplace that cannot possibly justify the massive public subsidies.

    FoxCON literally kills -- Walker's DOT is doing the work on I94 on-the-cheap. One effect is the dangerous narrow lanes that have been the root cause of accidents that continue to kill people. Where is the media on this?

    FoxCON is an economic disaster, but it is literally killing people, because the state has been irresponsible about hurried rebuild and construction needed on I94 should the display panel factory actually been built.

    Where is Gov. Evers. leadership on this? FoxCON has become a travesty. Is Evers really going to stand down and let FoxCON get away with this all on the public's dime?
