Monday, July 15, 2019

Foxconn, not a career-maker. Again.

In this White House photo, we see, among others, the defeated Scott Walker, second from left, and Paul Ryan, ex-House Speaker and high-profile quitter, appropriately on the far right. Foxconn did little for their careers.

On June 28, 2018, the first Wisconsin Foxconn employee C.P. "Tank" Murdoch, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, President Donald Trump, Foxconn CEO Terry Gou and U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan conducted the ceremonial groundbreaking at the Foxconn campus in Mount Pleasant. Photo from The White House.

Now former Foxconn Chairman Terry Gou's, standing between Trump and Ryan, takes his turn in the loser's circle: 
Ex-Foxconn chairman Terry Gou loses Taiwan presidential primary
May Trump be next. 

Along with Vos The Sprawling King.

And various local officials who saddled property taxpayers with mountains of debt, or forced them off their land.

Full story, archive, here.


  1. One your best headlines ever! Thanks for laugh.

  2. Yep, let's make this a 4-for4 by the end of 2020. May those golden shovels dig their political graves.
