Saturday, February 16, 2019

IL officials want Evers to revisit Foxconn's WI permits

Foxconn's dubious future is not the only negative runoff from its budget-straining-sprawl-inducing intrusion into rural Racine County.

Illinois has already raised various freshwater, discharge and air quality concerns about the project which Walker and his allies administration recruited and funded, so it is logical that those officials in communities across the state line, downwind and downstream would now ask the new Wisconsin Governor to take another look at what Walker left behind:
Illinois Democrats ask Evers to review Foxconn impact
Illinois congressional Democrats have asked Wisconsin’s new Democratic governor to re-evaluate the environmental impact of a sprawling plant that Foxconn Technology Group plans to build near the states’ border, saying they are concerned it could exacerbate flooding in Chicago’s northern suburbs. 
Evers had said several days ago he'd do just that:
Evers: DNR Will Review Foxconn Air, Water Permits 
Gov. Tony Evers Says Review Is Needed To See Whether Changes Are Necessary
Also note:

* These and many other pieces of the Foxconn story are included in this 20-month-long, continuously updated archive.

* Stronger storm events are often cited as products of a warming, changing Midwestern climate. 

* Walker had a long history of ignoring or discarding information about climate change and its effects on the land and infrastructure.

In December, 2016, I discovered that Walker's DNR removed nearly all information from its climate change information webpage, as I wrote along with the full original and deleted texts:
Gone are references to known "human activities" contributing to a warming planet, warming's contributions to changes in rainfall and snowfall patterns, extreme weather events, drought, species and economic losses as a result - - among other truths- - of materials whitewashed off this official, taxpayer-financed website.
Here is an example of what was deleted which ought to get Illinois' attention:
Changes in rain and snowfall patterns (including more frequent and severe storms) could change water flow in streams and rivers and increase stream bank erosion and runoff pollution.
* Racine County, where Foxconn is building, has a history of flooding

* So did the project site after a downpour last summer:


  1. While they are at it maybe they should revisit the Kohler permits too!

  2. James: Check this one at Racine Journal Times 4,5 billion and have no idea of what they are doing.
    Foxconn exec: 'We're building the airplane while we're flying'
