Saturday, January 12, 2019

When does Trump decide he's had his fill of the WI spokesman?

Is there a Tums product for eye burn? And so soon after posting a gif of a toilet flushing.
Clean Plate Club at .


  1. Most of Scott Walker's pics are unappealing, and juvenile. I think he's trying to be 'cool', but he will never be cool, no matter how hard he tries. It's hard to imagine Trump sticking with such a loser.

    1. The neediness is pathetic, but fitting of a grifter who has never held a real job.

      Combine that with the latest Trump-Russia stories, and you wonder if Walker is thinking he's going down with Trump if Donald is gone after 2020.

  2. He's just trolling everyone who was grossed out by his twitter feed.

  3. Dear Private Citizen Walker:

    Has it occurred to you, based on the number of “likes” this stomach-turning photo has gotten, that in a state with a population of almost 6 million, only 55 of them care that you finished your dinner?

    I used to think that these were stock photos or that you had a minion take them in a clumsy attempt to connect with voters. Now I am coming to the conclusion that you really are taking these photos...which is much more disturbing. I know you are 51 years old chronologically, but how old are you mentally and emotionally that you are genuinely proud that you made your din-din all gone?

    I used to be angry at posts like this, but now that you are unemployed and trying to pretend you enjoy living in the Sodom and Gemorrah of Wisconsin called Milwaukee, I find these posts humorous, in a sad sort of way.


  4. I could never stand Scott Walker. But I'm almost starting to feel sorry for him. Stop me.
