Monday, May 7, 2018

Walker Foxconn-campaign strategy clarified Monday

Updated from 11:46 a.m. Walker's taxpayer-paid, Foxconn-related, campaign style state tour is already posted six times on his state-paid Twitter feed:
 51 minutes ago51 minutes agoMoreToday we are seeing more of the Foxconn Bonus throughout WI. The company & its construction manager are going above & beyond their contractual obligations to benefit the state & its workers. Lots of smiling faces in response to the announcement. ---------------------------------------------------
Faux fiscal conservative Walker's central '18 Foxconn/campaign message rolls out today with equal parts ego, hypocrisy and strategist-honed p.r.

He's on a taxpayer-paid statewide 'tour' like his multi-stop tax-giveaway announcements last month where he'll make the same pronouncements, milk Foxconn for all its worth for himself and play down the obvious: that SE WI will be first in line for whatever job and spinoff benefits are produced by the state's subsidies.

A sensitive point for him, as he defensively revealed on Twitter feed 3 hours ago:
In addition to the 13,000 direct jobs in Racine, the $10 billion Foxconn investment in Wisconsin will have a positive economic impact all over the state. Some people don’t want to admit that’s true but the facts show otherwise.
Also from Walker's Twitter feed, 32 minutes ago:More
In Black River Falls this morning, at Hoffman Construction to talk about the positive impact of Foxconn’s new $10 billion investment in Wisconsin. People will benefit all over the state.
Where he'll say nothing about its foundations - - less-publicized, lower-tech, lower-wage jobs, plus  dirty air, filled wetlands or scammed Lake Michigan water while he wraps himself in campaign-ad-ready rhetoric about jobs.
Walker to take part in Foxconn site development announcement
This is the same site he ducked when $264 million in state-budget-draining, statewide-project cancelling road work began at his direction. 

Reminds me of the guest who shows up and eats hearty when dinner is served but leaves before the dishes have to be washed.

I've added this post to the full Foxconn archive on this blog, here.
Foxconn Fever primer


  1. One Wisconsin Now just noted that Gilbane (the main contractor) is a huge Walker contributor, and you can bet these tax-funded photo ops also just happen to be at Walker contributors as well, with the captive employees to boot. If we had a worthwhile media, they might point out that "coincidence."

    Pathetic, and is this really fooling anyone outside of dimitted Pom-Pom waving righties?

  2. Of course the governor is using Foxconn as a campaign theme. That was his entire point in getting that company here from the very beginning.

    Will Foxconn ever reach their 13,000-jobs target? Will they even reach the much more realistic 3,000-jobs target that they’ve also quoted? Nobody really seems to know for sure. But it doesn’t matter because Walker doesn’t really care.

    All he cares is that, by November, enough Wisconsinites have been convinced by the deluge of sunshine-and-rainbows campaign B.S. that they elect him to a third term. Then, he’ll have four more years of steady paychecks while he plans his next great adventure for a bigger, better job in Washington D.C.
