Sunday, May 20, 2018

About 'useless' park land WI would give to golfing developer...

[Updated from 6/28, with photo] 

I pass along this photo worth a thousand words from Kohler Andrae State Park taken by Jim Buchholz, the former park superintendent, and now-strong opponent of the golf course proposed on land adjacent to and within the park.
His very recent photo shows acreage which the DNR and its oversight body want to convey to the developer for roads, a maintenance building, vehicle storage. 

The park would get additional acreage in exchange, though people familiar with the area say the swapped land at the edge of the park does not compensate for the loss of the park's integrity and only underscores the developer's special-interest access as a wealthy Walker donor to state park and administrative procedures.

Though facing more hearings and litigation, the project, if finally approved, would be principally sited on a 247-acre woodland/wetland/rare dune/wildlife habitat/native people's artifact-rich nature preserve.

What's important about this recent photo is that it shows some of the very land which state agencies charged with maintaining state parks have agreed to transfer to the golf course developer because the state says the land is expendable.

Apparently the early morning hiker shown in the photo thinks otherwise, and probably thinks the land, in the public domain, is fine as it is.

1 comment:

  1. I see the photo is not reproducing. I will effort to get it in a different format.
