Monday, April 16, 2018

Another day, another Walker hollow pledge, per his record

Walker says he'll serve a full term if re-elected.

Scott Walker pledges to serve a full third term if re-elected and says he wouldn't go to Trump administration

He "committed" to the same thing on the eve of his 2014 re-election before he jumped into the Presidential nominating race.
"My plan is if the people of the state of Wisconsin elect me on Nov. 4 is to be here for 4 years….it’s a position I’m committed to.”
C-SPAN, video, Walker-Burke debate, 25:30 mark, Oct. 10, 2014
Looks like someone is having his own memory-free "Mission Accomplished" moment. 



  1. Walker's an oxygen thief. His word is as worthless as Trump's.

  2. If he wants to link himself to Trump, please have at it.
