Think about it: She's already had one promotion from EPA regional deputy director in Kansas City to the more important Chicago-based Great Lakes regional directorship, and can check all the important Pruitt-Trump boxes, especially the first and biggest:
Spoke glowingly for Trump
Is suitably anti-science.
Is suitably environment-be-damned, anti-regulation and pro-business.
Is suitably anti-labor.
Has treated public employees like dirt.
Like Trump, has managed businesses, including home building and a McDonalds.
Has enabled water pollution.
Has enabled air pollution.
Demonstrated a rare ability: to strategically and ideologically suck up to the boss while also dissembling, looking forward and simultaneously in the rear view mirror - - which no doubt hits all of Trump's buttons:
I am deeply grateful to Governor Walker for believing in my abilities when he named me to the post of DNR Secretary over 6 ½ years ago. We’ve demonstrated how we can have job creation and environmental protection. I’m excited and humbled at the opportunity to bring many of the reforms we’ve implemented in DNR to the national scene.
I hope EPA staff don't mind gross bathrooms and dirty carpets because Cathy likes to cut the cleaning budget - at least that was our experience at DNR. A person so incompetent she couldn't get the cleaning contract right. Not that Dan Meier is any better. Sometimes we go next door to use the bathroom.