Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Walkerites would kill WI water/air regs, following Trump's head start

Federal and Wisconsin pollution enablers are doing a dirty two-step.

*  Scott Walker's 'chamber of commerce mentality' GOP-led government is waiving routine environmental reviews and water management for Foxconn's gargantuan outburst of sprawl across rural land, small-town living, and into wetlands, ag lands and open space;

*  His Legislative allies, picking up the ball, are working to end state clean air and wetland protections;

*  And the Trump administration is busy removing federal protections by the dozens, as The New York Times reports today.
To date, the Trump administration has sought to reverse more than 60 environmental rules, according to a New York Times analysis, based on research from Harvard Law School’s Environmental Regulation Rollback Tracker, Columbia Law School’s Climate Tracker and other sources.
I noted this state-federal con in November, and even earlier, when writing about the environmental favors and deregulation which Walker and the Legislature, encouraged by the WMC, were handing to Foxconn:
[As I wrote] on July 29th about Walker and Trump and Foxconn:
And here's a major con in Walker's plan...we all know that Trump's EPA, with the cooperation of Wisconsin's AG Brad Schimel, is wiping out federal environmental clean air and water rules and protections - - which is why we are seeing news stories like this:
Trump taking hatchet to EPA
And Trump had said in the campaign he wanted to crush the agency, leaving "a little bit."
Does that sound like a reliable way to keep Wisconsin's waters and air unpolluted, or to honor the state's constitutional guarantee to accessible, enjoyable and healthy water, still summarized this way?
Wisconsin's Waters Belong to Everyone
Here is a link to a Foxconn archive frequently updated since July. There are more than 120 items there, and many contain multiple links to documents, sources and materials published elsewhere.

Note that Foxconn needs seven million gallons of diverted Lake Michigan water daily, and the City of Racine's wastewater treatment plant will have to remove quite a chemical stew to keep it from tainting the lake and its drinking water supplies:
...zinc, cadmium, copper and benzene [are used] to make LCD panels...The manufacture of liquid crystal display panels involves a process of applying crystals over layers of ultra-thin sheets of glass or plastic film. Water plays an integral role, with large volumes needed to clean the surface of each layer.
Is Wisconsin up to the task - - here is the DNR's webpage about the diversion - -  given that there are damaging, coordinated anti-environmental trends in Wisconsin that inform, or dovetail with what is happening at the federal level, and are a product of GOP-led, donor-driven public and private initiatives which continues to spread in Wisconsin, reports the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign
Beware, New Front Group Formed on Water Policy!
A new group that says it supports policies to protect the state’s waters appears to be a front group with ties to powerful business, agriculture and manufacturing interests.
The Wisconsin Water Alliance, which describes itself as a diverse group of state businesses and landowners, announced its formation on Tuesday. The alliance says water is a “vital natural resource” that must be protected for “current and future generations of families, cities, businesses, and others.”

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