Tuesday, June 27, 2017

GOP congested from WI Capitol to US Capitol

Republicans have complete legislative majorities and executive control in the Wisconsin State Capitol in Madison and the US Capitol, too, but they have so much internal dissension that they can't do much of anything right now.  Which is good for the country.

In Madison, the budgetary process is at a standstill with a key deadline now out of reach - - predicted weeks ago, here - -  as State Senators and Assembly members battle over which will get to pose for the Holiest of Holy Pictures or reach their hands out first to special interest ideological and/or road-builder donors whose water they successfully carried.

At the US Capitol - - 
Mitch McConnell portrait 2016.jpg
- - GOP Senate leaders have just pulled back their intentionally-cruel tax-cut plan disguised as a health-care bill, in part because millionaire GOP members like Ron Johnson and ideological anti-government, self-deluded bots like Rand Paul believe "freedom" for American citizens means being their being free to suffer into death or bankruptcy from birth defects, infectious disease or other involuntary catastrophes stripped of help in the wealthiest country in the world from the larger society which government can and is supposed to protect.

Or as White House counselor and celebrity hack Kellyanne Conway put it to the home-bound severely-disabled or bed-ridden nursing home seniors ticketed for Medicaid cutoffs - - get a job.

I think the lesson here is that governance by selfishness has a paralyzing effect on the governing.


  1. Wait, you mean the GOP might actually have to deal with,the consequences of your past sabotage and BS?

    Excuse me while I break out the world's smallest violin for sympathy.

    These people are soulless ghouls. They must pay

  2. “Or as White House counselor and celebrity hack Kellyanne Conway put it to the home-bound beverly-disabled or bed-ridden nursing home seniors ticketed for Medicaid cutoffs - - get a job.” — Say what?

  3. While Republicans show remarkable callousness, revenge is not going to change the political and social landscape. Encourage people to run for office and engage millennials in the political process. A Democratic Congress would be the best revenge.
