Friday, May 12, 2017

Of course - wink, wink - Walker didn't craft re-election budget

From May 1
Scott Walker insists he hasn't crafted a re-election budget
And here's the proof today, Walker-style, just eleven days later:
Scott Walker makes clear he'll seek a third term
...Walker on Friday named former state party executive director Joe Fadness as his campaign manager. 
And here's another coincidence:
TUESDAY, MAY 9, 2017

Walker re-election looms; WI water emergency suddenly addressed

It sure has been the day underscoring that right-wing GOP WI Gov. and total captive of big business and special interests Scott Walker is in re-election mode, as I said earlier - - 
I want to be the first to say that there is absolutely no connection between right-wing GOP WI Gov. and failed jobs-creator Scott Walker's 2018 re-election campaign and the proposed increase in his budget's funding for the failed WEDC job-creating agency, and the proposed WEDC re-opened loan spigot which had fed donors since its inception and his need to look like he's actually doing something about his dismal -job-creating record and the state's stalled economy.


  1. Walker lost a huge voting block with conservative blue collar workers. I'll take a bet on campaign because the odds of reelection are so bad
