Monday, December 12, 2016

Resignation shows WI's ethics commission hits Walker goal

Well done, GOP Gov. Walker and your bots in the state legislature:
State ethics commissioner resigns, citing dysfunction in new watchdog agency
Also working: The 'chamber of commerce mentality' Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Walker set in motion.

Everyone see the connections? 



  1. It's working! When all of the ethic overseers, except of course Walker's corrupt cronies, walk away in disgust, THEY WIN IT ALL!

    Looks like you are all going to have to accept terrible highways, deficit spending, debt burdens for future generations so that out-of-state multinational interests can loot the treasury, and even stinky brown manure in your drinking water. It's what God told Scott Walker to do!

  2. The attempt to amend the mission statement is in line with earlier attempts to gut the open records law and change the UW mission statement.
