Friday, September 2, 2016

WI DNR records show water quality problems at King Veterans Home

[Updated] The head of Veterans Affairs in Wisconsin says everything at its important King care facility is great. Someone should have been sending him bottled water.

Allegations of substandard care despite a surplus of state funding have rocked the state veterans home in the Waupaca County community of King.

A quick online check of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources drinking water system records in a statewide data bank shows lead violations discovered in King water samples in 2011, 2012 and 2015, and, separately noted, potential agricultural, sewer line and fuel storage water contamination sources.

There is some information published in the Cap Times today about lead in the water at King; the records indicate such problems are perhaps persistent and widespread.

More later.


  1. I wonder what they are drinking at Lincoln Hills and Waupun.

  2. What's wrong with the anti-Walker folks?

    He is giving the vets some of the best pee-water and manure lagoon runoff that a CAFO can generate. If water quality stories like what is regularly reported on blogs had any basis in truth, the state's largest newspapers would not endorse Scott Walker repeatedly. If this was actually happening, our fourth estate would tell the truth.

    There are never any CAFO pee/manure stories in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel or Wisconsin State Journal, nor it this ever covered on radio or TV news.
