Thursday, September 1, 2016

As 'training' season ends, 27th bear hound killed in WI wolf country

Wisconsin's off-leash bear hound training season - - when hunting dogs are allowed to run right through wolf activity areas - - ended yesterday, and the DNR reported this morning that yesterday a 27th hound this year - - like the Plott hound pictured below - - was killed by wolves in Langlade County.
Dog-wolf conflicts are likely in wolf activity areas because bear hunters are allowed to leave food behind as bear bait, which also attracts very territorial wolves which are larger than dogs and operate in packs.

All of which is also known to the hounders.

As I have repeatedly written on this blog for several years, Wisconsin is the only state which allows this off-leash bear hound 'training' and state reimbursement of up to $2,500 per dog killed, regardless of past reimbursement collections, disregard for hunting laws, etc.


  1. So, where's the searchable database of owners, dogs, and payouts?

  2. Are you kidding me. THese people are sick.
