Thursday, September 24, 2015

Politician without credibility or moral authority to upend Civil Service

A vindictive and unacceptable preview of the next three years in Wisconsin:
Four years after repealing most collective bargaining for Wisconsin's public workers and three days after ending his presidential run, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is backing top Republican lawmakers' proposed overhaul of the state's civil service system for 30,000 employees, saying its safeguards against political patronage in hiring and firing state workers need to keep up with the times and with the coming crush of retiring baby boomers.
The double-speak and deception here is breath-taking, as the allegedly-small government Walker already removed many top positions from civil service and turned them into lucrative political appointments.

And has remade the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources into an arm of the corporate elite  - - the special-interest opposite of civil service - - while he and his party also want to delay future state employees' retirements and change the formulas on which retirement checks are calculated.

None of which is being sought by anyone other than the same anti-union ideologues who provoked the Act 10 demonstrations, and which Walker has used for years as talking point fodder.

Call it Havoc Wrecking or the War on Workers 2.0 - - 3.0 if we include the Right-to-Work & Prevailing Wage Assault.

I argued in February, 2011 that Walker's slim 2010 margin of victory did not give him the moral authority to overturn 50 years of collective bargaining history, and I make the same argument today that a similar margin of victory in 2014, and his national dismissal earlier this week again suggest he is overstepping his role.

And remember his earlier pants-on-fire misrepresentation of civil service as he defended his Act 10 power grab?

There is no need for this latest attack on public sector employees other than one politician's continuing need for ego validation by an ideological base he needs to win back.


  1. MJS's Jason Stein does a fantastic job bringing up this blast from the past, towards the end of the article:

    "Walker cited the [civil service] law during the legislative fight over repealing most collective bargaining [Act 10], saying that union contracts weren't needed because the state's civil service law would protect public employees from political favoritism or retribution."

    One piece at a time...

  2. What have people been saying since the moment he dropped out? He's coming back, and he's not going to be in a good mood.
    That didn't take long.
    My guess is he's going to use this and other upcoming actions to show people what they could have had with a President Walker.

  3. Be very afraid. This is a sick little man with a hit list a mile long. He is just beginning his vindictive rage and ordinary people are going to be made to suffer. He has consolidated all the power needed to do everything and anything he wants and nobody can stop him. Only enormous public outrage or release of the John Doe records that would highlight his and other legislative leaders corruption could save us from this egomaniac's vindictiveness.

  4. All of you paint him as a man of big b---s. BS. He hasn't gone after the police and firefighters unions. It's been 5 years.

  5. The man is truly a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde type: plays a very nice innocent guy who'd stab you in the back. Treat him like you would an amateur magician: don't be distracted by the verbal patter, just watch what his hands are doing (actions).

  6. Look, the kid is a dufuss and is only carrying out what the Koch's and his other bosses tell him to do. Probably has no knowledge of what he is doing..............

  7. One of his lies is about "merit pay". Although a bad idea anyway, it's been froze since last winter- there is no merit pay, yet he talks about it as a real existing program. He is an evil b------.

    It's amazing to see how he has destroyed the state workforce, and for what? His own personal sick vindictiveness.

  8. There will be three criteria in Walker's plan to obtain a state job: 1.. You must have contributed mightily to Republican causes. 2..YOU MUST BE A FRIEND OR RELATIVE OF A REPUBLICAN IN POWER. 3..Your name cannot be on the recall list.

  9. More governing for the government, and by the government. Wisconsin's government is looking more and more like Stalin's Russia - though without the gulag and deaths.

    Though we are seeing increased deaths that can be attributed to cuts to public health spending, rejection of federal medicare dollars, reduced funding to help addiction to narcotics, and reduced environmental controls contributing to longterm healthcare issues.

  10. For a preview of Walker's brave new world of overhauled civil service, do a google search on Brian Deschane or see this Bice column:

  11. My husband, who grew up in the third world, often spoke about the contrast between our system of civil service versus the system in his country where all the government jobs went to the dictator's tribal and family members. It was not unusual to go to a government agency and find that the person at the desk could neither read nor right and therefore could not help you get the services you sought.

    This is where changes to our Wisconsin civil service will end. Do you really want government agencies staffed entirely by Walker cronies? Do you want services and employment denied to those who signed a recall against a GOP official? Do you want your taxes paying for substandard lawyers, building inspectors, clerks, maintenance people, computer programmers, etc.?

    Third-world government is where this ends for all of us, left and right alike.

  12. So now I'm seeing the headline "Scott Walker: Civil service hiring will be transparent." I think we all know what that means -- it will be as transparent as mud. Because it's always Opposite Day in Walker World.

  13. One WI Now hits it right on the nose:

    Walker has already shown us what will happen when civil service policies are removed -- it's called WEDC. Most of the experienced professionals from the Dept of Commerce were flushed out, to be replaced with unqualified political hacks... with Ryan Murray inexplicably rising to COO without any relevant experience, and then cashing-in as a lobbyist.

  14. Can't Wisconsin impeach this lying piece of Sh__?
