Thursday, September 24, 2015

As citizens organize, a public consultant could review Kohler golf plan

The Town of Wilson - - south of Sheboygan and ground zero for a proposed high-end golf course planned on a 247-acre, wetlands-rich nature preserve - - is deciding whether to hire a consulting company while the golf course proposal is in the midst of an environmental review by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.

The golf course plan includes several acres within the DNR-managed Kohler-Andrae State Park along the Lake Michigan shoreline, adding to the controversy.

Additional construction and wetlands' filling permissions would be needed from the US Army Corps of Engineers, given the project's proximity to Lake Michigan, its potential impact on the already-contaminated Black River that runs through the property, and other water-related issues.

The blatant politicization at the DNR and struggles over other high-profile water and wetlands matters statewide have raised the project's profile; a consultant hired by the Town of Wilson could add an important perspective and inform some of the water controversies across Wisconsin.

A key matter: the consultant's scope of work, breadth of experience, resources and Town support, transparency, and so on.

The Friends of the Black River Forest, intent on preserving the land's natural state, but surely playing David to the Kohler family project's Goliath, is holding a fundraiser this Saturday: 
The Friends of the Black River Forest will hold a brat fry from 11 a.m. until 6 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 26, at The Handlebar Bar and Grill, 5837 S. Business Dr., Town of Wilson...Visit for more details.

1 comment:

  1. Also, the success of the consultant hire depends the real reason the Town wants to involve a consultant: to provide 'cover' for a decision either way? to provide 'reasons' for its decision already made? or to obtain important information to inform a decision?
