Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mideast, Midwest, tomato, tomahto

Walker arrives in Israel, describing it as an "educational trip," and has already flashed his deep grasp of the relevant issues, in that regard, so to speak:
Walker said that the Mideast was an “important part of the world,” and that the US needed Israel “to be a prime ally in that regard.”
Also having spotted a Midwest-Mideast/ISIS-teacher protesters' equivalency, his need for education is indeed strong, in that regard.

More on Walker's history and his ideologically-motived and personally-opportunistic damage to Wisconsin's economy, budget, health-care provision, environment and educational systems, here.


  1. Great, now he can tell everyone that "I went to Israel blah blah blah OBAMA blah blah blah blah ISIS blah blah blah blah NATIONAL SECURITY blah blah blah blah blah IRAN blah blah blah blah blah blah TROOPS ON THE GROUND blah blah blah ALL OPTIONS ON THE TABLE blah blah blah blah blah blah.

  2. Well you always know when politicians have created a disaster because they say, Everything's on the table"!

    From (

    "Walker's plan to borrow $1.3 billion for roads has also run into bipartisan opposition. Vos wants to reduce the borrowing by about $300 million and said he is considering raising the $75 vehicle registration fee. Republicans have talked about an increase of $25 to $35.

    "'Everything's on the table,' said Republican Rep. John Nygren, co-chairman of the Legislature's budget-writing Joint Finance Committee."

    What this really means is that Wisconsin is stuck in a NO GROWTH economy for 2 years, but don't expect the media to tell you the truth about it.
