Saturday, May 9, 2015

Least surprising story line from Scott Walker's SC trip

From the Journal Sentinel today:
After he returns from Israel Thursday, he will head to Iowa for political events next weekend.


  1. Doesn't he have some serious budget issues to attend to here in Wisconsin?

  2. Vos and Co. can sweat the small stuff.

  3. This is why, if someone had the integrity & means sue Scott Walker for his failures to meet fiduciary duties at WEDC, it should not be hard to demonstrate Walker is liable for that economic train wreck and damage to the Wisconsin economy and taxpayers.

    Even though there are 4 years of annual audits demonstrating that millions of dollars are not accounted for, grants did not create jobs and no one even bothered to check this, and loans are being not being tracked; all Scott Walker is doing it jet-setting around the world now for a presidential bid. He does not care if WEDC ever follows the law and he does not want transparency.

    Let's get a suit filed and put him under oath to explain why, as the Board's Chair, he not-only stood down for years of abuse, but now he is so out-of-touch with Wisconsin and so-often out-of-state, he could not provide oversight at WEDC even if he had any integrity...

    Which we all know he is lacking anyhow.

  4. You just know Vos and Co. are expecting some pretty serious payback for the way they cover for Walker while he jet-sets around the country and world. And I am not talking about favors from the next POTUS that will benefit Wisconsin.

    Is anyone following up to see if Scott Walker is paying back the State for his presidential travels like he anounced. Scott Walker is a sociopathic liar, so we all know that isn't actually happening.

  5. Don't worry, while he was here Walker gave everyone their marching orders. They will pass the budget as Walker has instructed them to do. If there are fights, then so be it. I'd love to see a good fight over such an austere budget.

  6. If he doesn't want to do the job, he should just resign. It'd probably help his chances at the nomination, too, since the state going downhill reflects on him as governor

  7. Jake -- Just because he resigns does not mean that the state going down hill won't have an effect on his campaign for President since he's the one who put it on the downward slide. Maybe though, he could blame Kleefisch. Lord knows he's blamed everyone but himself. Oh, right, he talks to God, so he can't make any mistakes. God tells him what to do. Sheesh!
