Sunday, March 15, 2015

Commander-in-Chief Walker? Get real

When people in Wisconsin read news like this - - 
In his first swing through the early primary state of New Hampshire since 2012, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker took a tough line Saturday against Islamic terrorism, laying out the possibility he would deploy troops to the Middle East if he were president.
- - they know the entire talking-point setup is preposterous because Walker is not Commander-in-Chief material. Less than two years ago, Walker was managing a PR fiasco after his armed Natural Resources wardens seized and euthanized "Giggles," a 20-pound pet fawn, with a shot from a bolt gun:
WISN 12 News obtains DNR's records related to fawn takedown 
DNR emails reveal what led to raid, how Giggles was killed  
I reported on this at the time, here and here, among others. 


  1. If the corporate media gets its way - yes wlker becomes king. And, in the last 50 years, just when hasn't the media successfully promoted the interests of multinational corporate interests

  2. Baby deer are like a virus in a computer. On my secret router that we use to email and campaign on. We have looked at this carefully [NOTE: "WE" refers to Koch Brothers] and we may need troop deployments. We cannot allow baby deer to take us off our goals that we have developed.

  3. yes, no matter which way you spin it, walker is still a loser.

  4. I will only take walker's, troops on the ground strategy statement, seriously when his two sons sign up for a tour of duty.

  5. "when his two sons sign up for a tour of duty"

    Wow that will be a historic day. How long has it been that people all over the world have wait for hell to freeze over.

    Walker's sons enlisting and hell freezing over all on the same day.
