Monday, June 16, 2014

Report: Former WI Environmentalist Sen. Kedzie To Lead Trucking Lobby

If the report is true, just add it to my tracking Neal Kedzie's lamentable far right lurch:
In pre-Walker days, Kedzie, from Elkhorn, was a moderate and environmentalist, but after Walker's ascension in 2010, Kedzie veered to the right by praising Walker's values, supporting wetlands filling, playing along with secret redistricting, backing iron mining up North in the Bad River watershed and taking a leadership role retaining Native American school names and mascots.
And it's why I use the phrase "the road builders- government complex."

It's all one big, back-scratching, well-oiled and self-dealing corrupting machine that spends more and more of our money on road-widening - - not on maintenance or transit - -  though passenger miles-driven are falling.


  1. But journal communications and their WTMJ-AM say this is all GREAT!

    And milwaukee journal sentinel endorsed these folks TWICE!

    They're just doing what they intended to do -- isn't the real problem the propaganda machine that created this monster in the first place.

    Without journal communications, there is no divide and conquer governor.

  2. Good callout- the only positive to this sketchy move is that this effectively eliminates any shenanigans that might happen between the November elections and the new term in January.

    But Kedzie's changes are definitely a SykesBelling effect, as noted in the New Republic article. What a weakling

  3. Calling Kedzie a moderate and environmentalist is like calling Walker a voting rights supporter. Even when Kedzie was working on environmental laws his positions were pro-corporate. He had to compromise only because he wanted to be re-elected. People don't change. Kedzie hasn't changed. He just is able to be himself now that the GOP has the power.
