Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Obama Derangement Syndrome Morphs Into Clinton Derangement Syndrome II

The Washington Post's Dana Milbank tracks the return of the Clinton haters:
Birth of a scandal blaming Hillary Clinton for Ni­ger­ian kidnappings 
Conservatives have reached the firm conclusion that Hillary Clinton is to blame for those Nigerian schoolgirls kidnapped by the terrorist group Boko Haram14 months after she left office.
And the right-wing media machine also has Karl Rove speculating about Mrs. Clinton having brain damage. Coordination by ghouls displaying fear of a Clinton presidential run.


  1. Unfortunately, Mrs. Clinton has soooooo much baggage that a run for the office of POTUS would be a distraction from the true issues facing our nation.

  2. And liberals haven't disputed that she has brain damage, just that Rove shouldn't have brought it up.

  3. And liberals haven't disputed that she has brain damage, just that Rove shouldn't have brought it up.

    She doesn't have brain damage.

    There. Liberals have disputed it now, are you happy?

    It has just as much basis as the "Obama was born in Kenya" bullshit.

    Personally, I am happy that Rove pulled this out of his ass. It makes it obvious what an inconsequential partisan loon he is.

    On the right, he is lauded as a genius. From the left, he is mocked as an idiot.

  4. I would never vote for a 70 year old with memory loss selective, or not.

    Alzheimer's is a serious matter.

  5. I guess "Dr" Rove has the MD/PhD to diagnose brain damage in a person of another party, having received honorary degrees from B.S.U. and Conviction Cancelled U. He's a much a doctor of anything as Dr. Pepper is of Pepper.

  6. @ Anonymous 10;22 am:

    You already did if you were of voting age in 1984: Ronald Rayguns, GOP USA's favorite Gumpa, Forrest Gumpster and Alzheimer's patient for his entire second term (and arguably parts of his first term as well. I totally agree with you that no Alzheimer's sufferer should have his forgetful fingers anywhere near the nuclear button.
