Saturday, April 5, 2014

Scientists Say WI Dairies Are Dangerously Polluting

Statewide media should give this story major play:
Six leading researchers at Johns Hopkins University’s Bloomberg School of Public Health are warning northeastern Wisconsin rural residents that over-application of manure at intensive livestock operations could cause them a host of health problems and damage the environment. 
The authors, all at the school’s Center for a Livable Future, cited dozens of studies, including one 2005 article suggesting that 71 percent of Wisconsin dairy farms generate more manure than needed by the cropland where it’s applied.


  1. All I can say to that is No Kiddng.

    You don't have to be a scientist to know that.

    What I'll never understand is why our state doesn't require bio-digesters on mega farm operations. Yes, they are costly to install, but create long term benefits while minimizing contamination/pollution.

    Once a well is contaminated, it's done.

    In our community, we have a mega farm. All the waste and runoff flow downstream. Our city is responsible for preventing that contamination form flowing into the Fox River. Put the responsibility on the farm operation, not the property owners who surround it.

  2. I heard a rumor that DNR is no longer sampling wells with brown smelly water because they don't want to use Well Replacement grant money to pay for new wells. So much for protecting
    people who drink water.

  3. We have to have fewer regulations in Wisconsin to create 250,000 jobs! How's deregulation working so far .....we have fewer manufacturing jobs than before Walker sat in the big chair in Madison. But we're humming right allow with new career jobs that pay crap wages and no benefits! But the richer are getting richer and now they can give more to Walker, Vos and Fitz so if you like Wisconsin now your gonna like it a lot less if these clowns stay in office.
