Thursday, March 20, 2014

Walker Showed Zero Leadership On Chemo Access Bill

Scott Walker's saying at virtually the very end of the debate that he would sign the chemo bill is not the same thing as backing the bill early and forcefully against cruel industry lobbying that still may kill it with poison pill amendments which Walker could stop with a simple phone call or email.


  1. In all fairness, I hadn't heard about this bill before this week. But even a cursory reading and a minimal amount of research makes it pretty clear. And I don't even have a party network nor lobbyists letting me know EXACTLY what it's all about.

  2. I think he was orchestrating the bill's demise until Marley and Stein of the Journal Sentinel and the Wisconsin State Journal brought the bill to the public's attention. He's looking for political cover with his big money special interests by getting overwhelming Republican legislative support or he's having the Assembly Republicans back off so he can withhold his signature claiming his party did not back the bill. Either way his butt is covered with his donors. This man cares nothing about cancer or the bill..... with him everything is for political gain.

  3. Leadership is not in the governor's vocabulary, it's pretty clear. The meme of "It's not on my radar" as a way to deflect from decision making has grown pretty stale.

  4. @jimspice, apparently this bill was offered last session and the governor had an opinion at that time. He has no credibility on it.

  5. Another thing to note. The bill was slated for final session. Not anywhere else within the 100 days. The plan to tank it has gone slightly askew.
