Saturday, September 7, 2013

More Information On The DNR/Legislature's Preferred Hunting Educator

[Reposted from Friday, just to make sure folks see it.]

To this account, you can add more details courtesy of the Capital Times:
According to a police report, Pantzlaff initially lied to a conservation warden about how a bear was killed, saying it fell out of a tree and a fellow hunter with the appropriate license shot the bear.

After being asked to explain the hunt in detail, Pantzlaff admitted that the fellow hunter’s son illegally shot the bear and that Pantzlaff also illegally shot the bear in the mouth while it was flopping on the ground.

DNR Chief Warden Randy Stark said Pantzlaff was charged with hunting with an improper license because he wasn’t authorized to fire a gun at the bear, though he did have the license to participate in the hunt. He was fined $320.

Pantzlaff, who had displayed the bear’s skull in his vehicle, didn’t respond to requests for comment.


  1. Do bears fall out of trees often?

  2. Wow. All I can say is wow. Read the Cap Times article. There is so much CYA going on that it's laughable.

    There must ba a promise of something great in soldier Cathy Stepps future because she's really carrying the heavy water for Walker and his clown car. Penokee Hills, baby Bambi, pulling the Wisconsin Wildlife Federation off operations and now this.

    Man o man.

    Hey Cathy- Just a head up to you. Look around at some of Walker's other associates and soldiers. You will take the heat and the fall for him. Is it worth it? Only you can answer that. You might want to think about moving on before the stench wan't wash away.

  3. He's lying his Pantzlaff.

  4. This isn't in the Capital Times, It is in the Wisconsin State Journal.

  5. They don't fall out of trees, but they $h!+ in the woods.
