Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Nope: Not Sorry I Killed That - - The WI DNR Said It Will Be OK Now

Your corporate-friendly DNR now proposes that business and commercial activities can, with a permit, kill some endangered or threatened wildlife and plants incldentally:

Go ahead and call this the 'we've got plenty of those stupid animals and plants' permit - - so no harm, no foul, says the DNR if what you "take...[kill] does not put the overall population of the species at risk."
Broad incidental take permit and authorization proposed for activities with no or low impact to endangered resources in Wisconsin
MADISON -- A number of activities that have no or low impact on endangered or threatened plants and animals would be covered by a broad incidental take permit and authorization the Department of Natural Resources is proposing to issue for the activities.Incidental take refers to the unintentional loss of individual endangered or threatened animals or plants that does not put the overall population of the species at risk.
Activities that are covered under the permit and authorization include things like land acquisitions, wetland delineations, sign installations and utility maintenance activities.
The Department has concluded that the take allowed for under this permit and authorization is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence and recovery of the state population of the species or the whole plant-animal community of which they are a part; and has benefit to the public health, safety or welfare that justifies the action. The Department has also concluded that the take allowed for under this permit and authorization is not likely to appreciably reduce the likelihood of the survival or recovery of the species within the state, the whole plant-animal community of which they are a part or the habitat that is critical to their existence.
The conservation measures to minimize the adverse effect on the endangered and threatened species will be incorporated into the proposed Incidental Take Permit and Authorization. Copies of the jeopardy assessment and background information on the species are available by searching the DNR website for incidental take public notice or upon request from Rori Paloski at 608-264-6040 or Melissa Tumbleson at 608-267-0862. Public comments will be taken through September 26, 2013 and should be sent to Rori Paloski, WI DNR Conservation Biologist, PO Box 7921, Madison, WI 53707-7921
FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Rori Paloski at 608-264-6040 or Melissa Tumbleson at 608-267-0862

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