Thursday, June 13, 2013

Magnanimity Moment Missed

Politicians yearn for moments that allow for displays of magnanimity - - the more unscripted the opportunity, the better - - and Scott Walker had one handed to him when it turned out that the 20-year-old UW-Platteville student whom the Governor had nominated for a short-term slot on the UW Board of Regents had signed a Walker recall petition two years earlier.

There are two student seats on the UW Board of Regents in somewhat symbolic and relatively powerless spots on a large board of heavy-hitters; The board has 18 members; 14 of whom are gubernatorial appointees serving staggered, seven-year terms, who constitute the center of board power and through whom a Governor eventually establishes control.

There are also two student regents whom the Governor appoints, but only to two-year terms. Two more regents are higher-ed administrators.

Details, here.

This was not Walker discovering that the balance of power over UW affairs would be hanging in the balance, or that he had found out a Cabinet nominee or policy-maker in a key agency had committed a grievous act of political disloyalty.

Basically, this was a small embarrassment suddenly offering Walker an opportunity to put sharp-edged partisanship aside, throw his arm around a student who is half his age - -  a teenager at the time of the petition signing - -  and say, 'son, I'm going to give you a second chance to give me a second look.'

But Walker couldn't set aside his basic humorless and one-dimensional identity, so tossed the opportunity away by withdrawing the student's nomination.
Appearing intimidated by a 20-year-old.

Righty 620 WTMJ-AM radio talker Jeff Wagner Thursday afternoon said the episode was a self-inflicted wound laid on Walker by inept staffers.

I'd argue the self-inflicted occurred when Walker chose mundane over magnanimous.

Cross-posted at Purple Wisconsin.


  1. Here's another foul cry;
    "Says Madison Mayor Paul Soglin's stated intent when proposing that city contractors disclose private political donations was to "discourage contributions to organizations with which he disagrees." — Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty"

    It's rating - 100% true.

  2. When you wrote "basic humorless and one-dimensional identity," I thought for a moment you were talking about Jim Doyle. As for Gov. Walker, he displayed his magnanimity by hosting a brat roast at the Residence. How have Democrats reciprocated?

    1. Nice satire WHAAAAAA-SKA. Walker is Doyles corruption on steroids with a much worse economic record, and a whole lot more pettiness and incompetence. You wingnut welfare cases refuse to MAN UP AND OWN THE FAILURES YOU ARE.

      Like WHAAAA-SKA the troll here, this incident shows Walker isn't fit to run a hot dog stand, let alone the state. Dems have been far too nice to these sociopaths, it's time to play hardball like they do.

  3. Hi, David. I am fascinated by the right's endless and reflexive conflation aimed at Doyle.

  4. Walker, he displayed his magnanimity by hosting a brat roast at the Residence.

    That's amusing.

  5. Who sez all appointees to a board must be aligned with Walker? What's next: a loyalty oath?

  6. You don't think that's what they want, Boxer?

  7. Well, Jake, recall didn't work. How much harder do you want to play. What, exactly, are you getting at?

  8. One thing learned from the rightwing, and demonstrated by the recent Medical Rape bill, is that you never give up. Recalls are just the beginning.

    And if one looks at the actual results of the recall, it was less a referendum on Walker, than on the recall process itself.

    Given how shitty Walker and the Republicans are running the state right now, I wouldn't count on regualar elections going quite so well. And perhaps also reflect that the recalls themselves did not go so well, on their own.
