Thursday, April 25, 2013

Waukesha Annexation Tied To Great Lakes Diversion Bid

And there will be more water-for-growth annexations to the City following the Town of Waukesha's election of a pro-diversion Town chairman.

Every annexation brings tax base and other benefits to the City.


  1. And tonight the Town will decide whether to support land developers by being included in the City of Waukesha service area outline by SEWRPC. Inclusion as argued by Milwaukee will kill the application. The Town has neither a public health issue nor a imminent shortage. Come to think of it, neither does the City since Radium can be filtered (and is on some wells now).

    Columnist James Wigderson had a rather biased piece in the Waukesha Freeman today in support of the inclusion. Wigderson lives in the city. Is he trying to sabbatoge the application by encouraging the Town to vote yes?

    Let's be serious here. Waukesha is is reported to be looking to form a brand new utility with Oak Creek and Franklin as a cooperative. Is that how the application will be presented to the DNR and the other Great Lakes States? Before this new twist could be proposed it would require approval from the PSC. That would require years of regulatory review. And then, one would think, the other Great Lakes States would question if there's difference between piping water to Waukesha, Delafield, Oconomowac, Madison, LaCross, or Las Vegas.

    Waukesha is already out of time according to it's own self imposed timeline. And the application has yet to leave the DNR.

  2. Update: No decision by the Town until the 29th when the Town supervisors will draft a counter proposal to the City of Waukesha for re-consideration of issues such as being a wholesale customer rather than the proposed retail customer and compensation amounts for annexed lands.
    The question Town residents should have asked former DNR expert and now hired Town consultant Bruce Baker is this: Is the application compliant with the boundaries drawn by SEWRPC? Tell us whether, in your opinion, if Milwaukee and it's compliment of attorneys, is right or wrong.
    All this Town bickering is almost certainly nothing but developers stirring the pot and pitting neighbor against neighbor. Supervisors Marek and Fischer represent the developers very well.
