Monday, March 18, 2013

WI Job Ranking Under Walker Bottoming Out

More dismal news for Scott Walker: Bucky isn't #42 anymore:
The Badger State ranks 44th nationally in job growth over the past two years and behind all neighboring states, according to updated figures released Monday from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
But this doesn't stop Walker from heavily applying the lipstick for the out-of-town crowd:
"My number one job is helping people of the state of Wisconsin create jobs," he said. "I'm focused on that.


  1. Focused on that from afar evidently. This week he was in Iowa and Washington DC.

  2. Both Washington and Iowa contain the letters "W" and "I". Isn't that enough to show the man's focus? Give him a break, already!

  3. If we keep this up, Walker might get a bright idea from our friends across the lake and try to push through Right to Work for Less despite all his protestations to the contrary. It's those damn unions holding back job growth, you know...

  4. Scott Walker: Fightin' for the Bottom.

  5. He is nothing but a liar! and should be in prison for Jon Doe! He bought his way out of it! What a lying bastard!

  6. You must mean Walker has applied lipstick to the bottoms of the out-of-town crowd.
