Monday, March 18, 2013

Is Walker Deliberately Opaque, Or Just Inarticulate?

See if you can unravel what Walker said on Meet The Press about gay marriage, and what he said "people want to resonate about," and decide if he wants to be understood:
"The interesting (thing) on the generational standpoint is I've had young people ask me I think an appropriate question, is not expanding it to include folks who are not one man and one woman but rather questioning why the government is sanctioning it in the first place," he said on the show. "I mean, that would be an alternative to say not have the government sanction marriage period, and leave that up to the churches and the synagogues and others to define that."


  1. OMG. He's one of those people who believe that people should only be married in the eyes of the lord and that the government shouldn't be involved in marriage. They don't believe that marriage is a legal contract but a religious bond. That means he doesn't believe in divorce.

  2. Hey -- he was on your TEE-VEE and is still being propped up across the nation and Wisconsin with propaganda -- a fact you are either not smart enough to understand or do not have the courage to write about.

    So how does that make you any better than the other media whores?

  3. was that scot walker or norm crosby?

  4. Really? Passing the buck to religions. He just doesn't get it does he.

    Gong off script is awakening isn't it.

    Yet he deflected on this show very well at one point. Easy to see through but not a soul challenged him.

  5. Walker talks like a confused thirteen year old.But then most thirteen year olds are more articulate.

  6. As best as I can tell, this is what the Gov meant to say:

    I've had young people ask me why the government is sanctioning marriage in the first place, why not leave it up to the churches, synagogues and others (Satanists?) to define marriage?

    This is what happens when a divide-and-conquer mind which has been trained to rattle-off talking points at a torrid pace attempts to form a complex argument that will satisfy everyone. Air ball.

  7. ". . . people want to resonate about . . . "

    I'm feeling vibrant already!
