Thursday, January 24, 2013

WI Legislators Ignore Falling Iron Ore Demand, Mine Closings Nearby

Conservatives disbelieve science and data, whether the subject is evolution, climate change, and the female reproduction system.

In light of the massive open pit Wisconsin iron mine being enabled by GOP state legislators pushing an industry-written bill, you can add disregarding information about iron mine closings in nearby states and longer-term falling demand, as documented here:
...commodity forecasters are predicting the longest bear market for iron ore in 20 years.


  1. When Marcia Bjornerud, the Lawrence University geologist, testified at the SB 1 hearing, she wondered why there was all this sudden interest in a low-grade, hard-to-recover ore body in a remote location. It's hard to believe there's much profit in mining there, unless the price of iron ore is really high -- which it's not.

    So what's going on here? Is this really about the Penokee Hills? Or are they drawing our attention there while the real is elsewhere? Any comments?

  2. Is it about the Alabamaficactionor Mississippificaction of Wisconsin's environmental laws? If big money is all it takes to sweep away decades of sensible environmental laws in a state like Wisconsin, they can do it anywhere.
