Thursday, January 24, 2013

Sykes Finishes Up His Ron Johnson Rescue Segment, As Predicted

Talk radio is so predictable. RoJo got his minutes, took softballs, made no news. Though Sykes saying Hillary Clinton "lied under oath" might get some attention.


  1. Look for RoJo Rescue, Part II now that John Kerry reminded him that if you don't attend briefings you can't bitch about being uninformed.

  2. It would be interesting to know if Sykes has any of that whattaya call it, EVIDENCE that Clinton lied, beside the Drudge BS and typical "Hillary is a liar, so she MUST have lied!" screeching.

  3. Johnson, Sykes and all the rest of the screeching harpies put hatred of Mrs. Clinton as among their primary bona fides of authenticity. This whole tempest-in-a-teapot is utterly predictable and dull as Inhofe on Thorazine.
